Why You Must Visit Quba Mosque in Madinah

Whenever you are in Madinah, don’t forget that it’s sunnah to perform ablution at your hotel and proceed to the Quba Mosque for a prayer.  The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

“Anyone who purifies himself in his house, then comes to Quba Mosque and performs a prayer therein will have the reward of an Umrah.”

(as narrated by Ibn Majah)

Allah’s Messenger would go there, both riding and walking, and pray two rakahs inside the mosque (as reported by Bukhari and Muslim).  So,  this place should be on the top of your list whenever you are planning visits in Madinah.

You will find the advice in verse number 108 of chapter 9 of the Qur’an :

“Surely, the mosque that was established on piety from the very first day is worthier for you to stand in.  In it are men who love to to be purified .  Allah loves those who purify themselves.”



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