Prayers for Worry, Anxiety and Sadness

The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, taught us these words :

  • ”None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, the Most Great, the Most Forbearing; none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, the Lord of the Mighty Throne; none has the right to be worshipped except Allah, the Lord of the Heavens, the Lord of the earth and the Lord of the Supreme Throne.”

  • ”La Ilaha Illallahul ‘ Azeemul-Haleemu; La Ilaha Illallahul ‘Rabbul ‘Arshil-Azeemi; La Ilaha Illallahu Rabbus-Samawati Wa Rabbul-Ardi, Rabbul ‘Arshil-Kareem.”

  • ”O, You, the Ever-living, the Sustainer and Protector of all that exists; By Your Mercy, I seek aid.”

  • ”Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyumu, Birahmatika Astagheeth.”

  • ”Glorified be Allah, the Most Great.”

  • ”Subhanallahil ‘Azeem.”

  • ”O, You, the Ever-living, the Sustainer and Protector of all that exists.”

  • ”Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum.”

  • ”O Allah! I am Your slave and the son of your male slave and your female slave; I am in Your Power. Your Command concerning me prevails and Your Decision concerning me is just. I call upon You by every one of the beautiful Names by which You have described Yourself, or which You have revealed in Your Book, or have taught anyone of Your creatures, or which You have chosen to keep in the Knowledge of the unseen with You, to make the Mighty Quran the delight of my heart, the light of my breast and the remover of my anxieties and sorrows.”

  • ”Allahumma, Innee ‘Abduka Wabnu ‘Abdika Wabnu Amatika; Nasiyatee Biyadika Madhin Fiyya Hukmuka ‘Adlun Fiyya Qada’uka; As’aluka Bikullismin Huwa Laka, Sammaita Bihi Nafsaka Aw Anzaltahu Fee Kitabika Aw ‘Allamtahu Ahadan Min Khalqika Awista’tharta Bihi Fee ‘Ilmil-Ghaibi ‘Indaka An Taj’alal-Qur’anal ‘Azeema Rabee’a Qalbee Wa Nura Sadree Wa Jala’a Huznee Wa Dhahaba Hammee.”

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