Top 5 Ways Satan Tries To Deceive Us

In the Quran, Allah warns us about Satan’s misguidance and his desire to mislead us:

“Indeed, the plot of Satan is weak.”          4:76

“Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you, so treat him as an enemy.”      35:6

That’s why it’s important that we understand how he does this:

  1. Evil looks good

Through deception eg giving pleasing names to something forbidden, what is falsehood may appear as truth thus leading to evil deeds.

Examples:  Showing “tree of immortality” in paradise to Adam (as), defining Interest as profit and calling music art.

  1. Extremes in religion

Whatever Allah orders us to do, Satan aims to make us choose the road to excesses eg not doing exactly as per instructions – doing too little or too much.

Examples:  Reinterpreting commands/apply them incorrectly thinking that it’s better – rules for ablution, fast, prayers.

  1. Procrastination/Laziness

This is delaying the performance of a good deed while hoping to do it later.

Examples:   Not waking up for prayers, ending up being unprepared for the hereafter at time of death.

  1. In the form of sincere advice

A bad idea is presented as the best way to act in a particular situation.

Examples:  Deceiving Adam(as) in paradise,  prompting a pious worshipper of the tribe of Israel to kill a woman and her baby while trying to assist her.

  1. Step by step approach

Each time someone is pleased following a sin, he is taken to a higher level of disobedience until he completely deviates from the right path.

Example: Causing the pious worshipper of the tribe of Israel to commit a crime after a series of events.

We must know that Satan is able to reach the thoughts/hearts of people and this is called a “whisper”.  He can also take the shape of humans to talk or give orders.


Reference:  The World of  the Jinn and Devils by Dr U S Al Ashqar

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