The Great Benefits of the Remembrance of Allah

Allah is great and has absolute power. Remembering Him brings you immense blessings.

It is your duty to thank Him and submit yourself to Him. And you get closer to Him as you understand His mercy and grace.

Asking Allah’s forgiveness for your mistakes and sins also draws you nearer to Him.

The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him, recommended this prayer:

” O Allah, you are my Lord. There is no God save You. You created me and I am Your servant. I keep my pledge and promise as much as I can do. I seek refuge in You from the evil that I have committed. I acknowledge Your blessings and I accept my faults, so forgive me. There is none but You to forgive me.”             

(Ahmad, Bukhari, Nasai)

Your sin can even lead you to paradise as you repent and vow not to repeat it.  You are able to defeat the devil with this simple act.

Why You Need to Remember Your Lord Often

There are many other benefits in the remembrance of Allah:

  • You please Him.

  • Your love for Him grows.

  • You worship your Lord as if you are seeing Him.

  • You save yourself from the devil, your enemy.

  • Sins and bad deeds are diseases of the heart and when you recover from their ill effects after repentance, you become stronger.

  • You are capable of doing more work.
  • You feel happiness, pleasure and joy in your heart.

  • Your provision is increased.

  • You get dignity and respect.

  • Your sins are erased.

  • Invoking your Lord at times of ease gives you assurance that your Lord will respond to your invocation during difficult moments.

  • Allah honours you and remembers you in heaven.

  • His mercy covers you.

  • You are protected from His punishment.

  • Tranquility descends on you and you are surrounded by angels.

  • You save your tongue from lies, evil words and vain talks.

  • You earn a reward.

  • Remembrance frees you from sorrow and regret.

  • It gives life to your heart and fear is removed.

  • It’s a source of light for you in this world, in the grave and in the hereafter.


”The Invocation of God” by Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya translated by M A Qasmi – It’s a book  I’ve been reading over and over again for the last 8 years.

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