How to Cure the Diseases of Our Heart and Get Peace

We all want to have peace and happiness. And this can only be achieved by cleaning our heart.

A sound heart that is free from doubts and desires is the key to achieve success in this world and the hereafter. So, it’s necessary that we spend some time to reflect on the conditions of our heart.

What are Diseases of the Heart

Our heart can be in either one of these three states:

  • It’s sound and completely obedient to Allah.

  • It has certain weaknesses (ie diseases) even if love of Allah and faith is present.

  • It does not know/worship its Lord.

    That He may make what is thrown in by satan a test for those in whose hearts is a disease and whose hearts are hardened.”


Ailments of the heart arise due to lack of knowledge and incorrect intent. Our heart will never be at ease when we have doubts, envy others or desire things that are not good for us.

Ignorance and poor understanding lead us to misguidance. False beliefs make us think that something is of benefit to us when it’s actually disliked by Allah.

Envy is hatred. We don’t like to see others being granted blessings and become jealous.

We also feel pain and become angry with people or after certain events. It’s the result of not having the right intention in our heart.

Best Remedies for Diseases of the Heart

We can be happy only if we make Allah our sole object of desire and worship.

Ibn Qayyim said:

The keys to the life of the heart lie in reflecting upon the Quran, being humble before Allah in secret, and leaving sins.”

Acquiring the right knowledge is a direct way to guidance.

We need to read and understand the Quran because this is the perfect method to correct our shortcomings as:

  • the truth is revealed to us with clear proofs.

  • the book is a source of wisdom for us.

  • it guides us.

  • it’s a reminder of our duties to Allah.

  • it orders us that which is good and forbids us that which is bad.

  • it removes any desire for what is harmful to us.

  • the stories of the Prophets of Allah in it teach us lessons.

Turning to our Lord in secret, which is a sign of humility, has a positive effect on our soul. Thus, prayer in the last third part of the night is highly recommended for the cleansing of our heart.

Our Lord descends to the lowest heaven when a third of the night remains, saying: Who is supplicating to Me that I may answer him? Who is asking of Me that I may give him? Who is seeking forgiveness of Me that I may forgive him?”

(Bukhari and Muslim)

Acts of disobedience and sins cause us much harm. Sometimes, they also affect the other people who have been wronged.

The remedy is to seek forgiveness. Repentance erases the feelings of uneasiness that burden the sinful ones.

It’s a fact that leaving bad deeds gives our heart immediate relief from their evil effects. And good deeds are like light to the heart.

The Road to Success

Allah is pleased only with acts done according to His orders and those of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). We should remain within these limits in order to be successful.


I’ve been inspired by two special books and am grateful to the authors (may Allah reward them) for sharing precious knowledge:

  • Diseases of The Hearts & Their Cures by Ibn Taymiyyah compiled by I B A Al Haazimee and translated by Abu Rumaysah

  • Enjoining Rights & Forbidding Wrong by Ibn Taymiyyah translated by S A Ibn Morgan


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