Best Ways To Enjoin Right and Forbid Wrong

The call to enjoin right and forbid wrong leads us to the obedience of Allah. There are means and ways to fulfill this duty in the best manner.

Actually, the approach of prophets is considered to be most relevant.  Indeed, messengers were sent to perform the same mission in the past.

Today, Ignorance and misunderstanding in matters of religion are causing a lot of harm.  It’s therefore urgent that we look at the root of the problem.

Our individual efforts can definitely contribute to bring about changes.  For such purposes, a new Islamic year and the month of Ramadan are excellent times to set  objectives.

But, first, we need to find out what the divine command is all about.

What Does “Enjoin Right And Forbid Wrong” Mean?

“And let there arise from you a group inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those are the successful ones.”

Quran 3:104

The common definition of the word “enjoin” is to order or strongly advise somebody to do something.  On the other hand, to “forbid” means to order somebody not to do something.

“Right” implies the correct beliefs and lifestyle.  “Wrong” refers to whatever is not allowed or not as per the teachings of Islam.

As reward for enjoining right and forbidding wrong, we get benefits in this world and the hereafter.  This certainly motivates us to act in order to achieve our goal.


Allah asks us to guide and reform others.  For example, believers may be encouraged to improve their character while unbelievers require convincing arguments.

Moreover, it’s important that we react when seeing any evil around us.  We can enjoin right and forbid wrong with the hand, tongue as well as the heart.

Although the hand has more impact, the tongue often proves to be very effective.  Of course, preaching and guiding must be done carefully to obtain results.

Where neither hand nor tongue can help, there remains our heart. However, it’s a sign of weakness to just disapprove wrongdoings inwardly.

This job is mainly carried out by:

  • Making efforts to follow the command of Allah.
  • Leading by example.
  • Being a role model.
  • Checking on those believers who are not practising the obligatory duties eg prayers, fast, zakah.
  • Drawing attention to innovations (acts/customs not acceptable in Islam).
  • Resisting challenges and protecting the religion from misinterpretation.
  • Gently reminding believers of their duty to enjoin right and forbid wrong.
  • Calling those who have the capacity to take responsibility.
  • Inviting people to Islam.
  • Supporting the Islamic lifestyle and correcting its misrepresentations.
  • Replying to allegations/defamatory comments on Islam in a polite manner by presenting facts.
  • Using our wealth/intelligence/personal skills/competences to promote religion.

Let’s Hasten to Apply

There’s no doubt that enjoining right and forbidding wrong is an obligation.  This noble task is a privilege too since it allows us to walk along the path of the prophets.

Intention is a key factor to earn the pleasure of Allah.   So, let’s hasten to apply what we’ve learnt above.



Enjoining Right & Forbidding Wrong by Ibn Taymiyya translated by S Abdallah Ibn Morgan

Maroof & Munkar by S J Ansar translated by S A Ashraf

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