Best Ways To Attract Angels Around You

Angels are good and noble creatures of Allah that obey all His orders. Belief in them is the second pillar of faith.

It’s important for you to learn what they like to attract the blessings of their presence.  Similarly, things that keep them away must be avoided.

One task assigned to angels was to convey messages to the prophets.  Another was to take  care of the Quran in the heavens.

Whatever knowledge they have is from Allah alone. He teaches them all that is needed for their role.

What Angels Like

In a hadith, it’s stated that one who reads the Quran well will be in the company of those special messengers.  In fact, if you recite the Quran with sincerity, they come to listen.

Allah is so pleased with people who meet in a mosque to recite His book that He praises them.  There is peace and mercy in the place and angels gather around.

They like to be in places where there’s remembrance and praise of Allah.  Therefore, they look for such groups to cover them with their wings.

On Fridays, angels are present at mosques’ doors noting the names and order of those arriving. As the Imam is ready for the khutbah, they move inside to hear the words and prayers.

Whenever you are in the company of pious people remembering Allah, you get His forgiveness.  He speaks highly of you to the angels and informs them of His mercy on you.

Righteous believers are respected and loved by angels.  It’s narrated that they used to be especially humble in the presence of Uthman Bin Affan (may Allah be pleased with him).

What Make Angels Angry

Just like us, angels are not happy in some exceptional cases.  For example, they don’t enter a house where there’s a dog or picture of human being or animal.

The sound of a bell also repels them.  It’s advised not to have one at home or even carry this when travelling.

Moreover, they don’t visit impure places as dirty spots and bad odour affect them.  Besides, they dislike the strong smell of certain foods eg raw garlic and onion.

That’s why it’s essential that you clean your mouth before you pray or go to the mosque.  This makes sure the angels approach you.

Allah created angels with the best character and behaviour.  As a believer, it’s your duty to treat them with due admiration and care.


Reference:  Knowing the Angels by Muhammad Al Jibaly



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