Kaaba scene at night

A Kaaba Experience or Love at First Sight!

”Looking at the Kaaba is pure faith.”

        Ibn Abbas   (may Allah be pleased with him)

I saw the Kaaba for the first time in 2011 during a pilgrimage and my life has never been the same.  Back home, my heart and soul was missing it and I kept searching the web for stories of other pilgrims each day for weeks.

The many testimonials I read made me realise that a similar feeling is experienced by all who travel to Makkah.  Reading them over and over again can only bring back to you the happy memories!

The House of Allah

Muslims around the world perform daily prayers facing in the direction of the Kaaba. All believers dream of standing there one day.

The square shaped structure is located in the premises of the sacred mosque in Makkah. A combination of the arabic words ”Mukaaab” (cubic) and ”Murabbaa”(square), its name and characteristics are mentioned in the Holy Quran.

It’s often referred to as ”Al Baytul Haraam” (”The Sacred House”) and ”Baytullah” (”The House of Allah”). Other attributes are ”Al Baytul Ateeq”(”The Protected House” ie freed from tyrants ) and ”Qibla” (direction for prayer).

According to certain sources, angels built it. There’s also a belief that early prophets used to perform hajj pilgrimage though they ignored the exact location of the House.

Prophet Ibraheem (peace be upon him) was ordered by Allah to reconstruct it. His son, Prophet Ismaeel (peace be upon him), assisted him.

The solid rock on which he stood, while his son brought stones to him, still bears his footprints. This can be seen at the ”Maqaam Ibraheem” (Ibraheem’s place) within a structure.

An arch-shaped enclosure, adjacent to one wall of the Sacred House, is known as ”Hateem” or ”Hijr”. It’s a place that Prophet Ibraheem (peace be upon him) had prepared as shelter for his wife and child.

The ” Hajar Aswad” (black stone) is fixed on one corner of the walls. This gem is said to have been brought by the angels from paradise.

During the ”tawaaf”, you will come across the ”Ruknul Yamani”(yemen corner). It precedes the ” Hajar Aswad”.

The area between the black stone and the door of the building is known as the ”Multazam”. The ”umrah” pilgrimage requires you to make seven tours of the Kaaba, known as a ”tawaaf”, starting and ending at the black stone.

Make a Wish

I recall my hajj pilgrimage five years ago when I completed reciting the last verses of the Quran in front of the Kaaba after the farewell tawaaf. My husband and I were so happy that we instantly expressed our intention to come back.

A special gift from Allah awaited me back home. A few months after the trip, an unexpected meeting at a lecture given by a visiting Islamic scholar opened the doors of knowledge to me.

Without hesitation, I accepted an invitation to join a circle of learning as I was convinced it was a sign from Allah. Under the guidance of a qualified teacher, we improve our recitation of the Quran every week and also listen to explanations on hadiths.

As I work at office during weekdays, I am always busy with housework during the weekend. My sudden decision to devote a few hours from my spare time to learn my religion shows the relevance of these words:

”This is Allah’s perfect plan for you!”

A Spiritual Transformation

”Complete the Hajj and Umrah for the pleasure of Allah”.


”Hajj to the House is a duty that people, who are able to find a way there, owe to Allah”.


”And announce the Hajj among the people; they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, travelling from every distant road…”


Are you looking for a spiritual cleansing? Or is it healing for mental, emotional and physical pains that you seek?

A visit to Makkah certainly changes you. No one comes back empty-handed as Allah swt grants His servants whatever he deems best for them.

My life has improved in many aspects. I am blessed to return every year for umrah with my husband and we pray that Almighty Allah invites us again this year!

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