Selected Hadiths from Authentic Sources


1. Intention determines the value of deeds.

                                  (Bukhari and Muslim) 

Sincerity is the main condition for Allah to accept your good deeds. They must be done only for the pleasure of Allah (with no other motives) if you want Him to be pleased with you.                                                               

2. Allah is more pleased when His servants repent from their sins than someone who, after losing his camel in the desert, suddenly finds it coming back to him.

                                                  (Bukhari and Muslim)

You must not deceive Allah. He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful and Most Loving with His servants. Remember to ask His forgiveness whenever you realise you have sinned.

3. Allah does not look at your bodies or appearances but He looks at your hearts and deeds .


Be sincere to your Lord. He knows what is in your heart. Clean your heart and intentions.

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