Hadiths on day of Eid

Read 10 Hadiths On Day Of Eid

  1. Fear Allah wherever you are, do a virtuous deed after an evil deed to undo the latter and behave well with people. (Tirmidhi)
  2. Every day, 2 angels descend and one of them says: “Allah, bestow a good return upon the spender”. The other one says: “Destroy the goods of the miser”. (Bukhari and Muslim)
  3. The best friend in the sight of Allah is the one who is a well-wisher to his companion and the best neighbour is the one who behaves best towards his neighbours. (Tirmidhi)
  4. Every nation(ummah) has to undergo a test and my nation(ummah) will be tried through wealth. (Tirmidhi)
  5. When you put on your clothes or make your ablutions, begin with your right side. (Abu Daud and Tirmidhi)
  6. One who misses the afternoon prayer(Asr) renders his good deeds void. (Bukhari)
  7. Every important project not started with the praise of Allah remains incomplete. (Abu Daud)
  8. Do not rejoice over the problems of your brother as Allah, the most High, may have mercy over him and involve you in such problems. (Tirmidhi)
  9. A dead person is punished when somebody wails on his death. (Bukhari and Muslim)
  10. When anyone gets up for night prayer(Tahajjud), he should start with 2 brief ‘rak’ahs’. (Muslim)


Reference:  Riyadh-us-Saliheen by Imam An-Nawawi translated by S M Madni Abbasi

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