- Fear Allah wherever you are, do a virtuous deed after an evil deed to undo the latter and behave well with people. (Tirmidhi)
- Every day, 2 angels descend and one of them says: “Allah, bestow a good return upon the spender”. The other one says: “Destroy the goods of the miser”. (Bukhari and Muslim)
- The best friend in the sight of Allah is the one who is a well-wisher to his companion and the best neighbour is the one who behaves best towards his neighbours. (Tirmidhi)
- Every nation(ummah) has to undergo a test and my nation(ummah) will be tried through wealth. (Tirmidhi)
- When you put on your clothes or make your ablutions, begin with your right side. (Abu Daud and Tirmidhi)
- One who misses the afternoon prayer(Asr) renders his good deeds void. (Bukhari)
- Every important project not started with the praise of Allah remains incomplete. (Abu Daud)
- Do not rejoice over the problems of your brother as Allah, the most High, may have mercy over him and involve you in such problems. (Tirmidhi)
- A dead person is punished when somebody wails on his death. (Bukhari and Muslim)
- When anyone gets up for night prayer(Tahajjud), he should start with 2 brief ‘rak’ahs’. (Muslim)
Reference: Riyadh-us-Saliheen by Imam An-Nawawi translated by S M Madni Abbasi
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