Effective Treatment When You are Afflicted by Calamities

What is ”Al-Istirja’”?

It’s to say the words:

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un.”

Verily we are for Allah and to Him we shall return

(Source: Muslim and Ahmad)

In his book “Provisions for the Hereafter”, Imam Ibn Qayyim referred to the above as an effective treatment because of the following principles:

  • We are slaves of Allah and whatever we possess belongs to our Lord. He has given us everything as a loan and He can take them back whenever He decides to do so.

  • We are all going to leave this world behind.

What You Learn from these Words

  • You must be aware that whatever is meant to happen will not miss you and whatever is not meant to happen cannot harm you.

  • Your Lord has kept better things in store for you and if He willed, things could have been worse (than the calamity afflicting you).

  • Just knowing that pleasures of this world are but an illusion, likely to cause more pain than joy, comforts you.

  • Lack of contentment will not make the situation easier for you.

  • To miss the reward Allah has promised you for patience is a great loss.

  • Your enemy rejoices at your discontentment and your Lord is angry with you.

  • Your heart is relieved when you seek a reward from Allah for exercising patience.

  • Allah is pleased with those who accept His Decree.

  • Patience exercised sometime after the event is not praiseworthy and will not be rewarded as it is the patience of the resigned.

  • An effective remedy is to succeed in pleasing Allah.

  • You can show Allah that you are pleased in two different degrees:

      • by being pleased with the calamity itself

      • by being pleased with the reward you get for patience and perseverance

  • Allah is the Best of judges and is Most Merciful and He is only testing you to make you bow down to Him.

  • Misfortune prevents sickness of your heart like pride, arrogance and hardness.

  • What is painful in this life will be a bliss for you in the hereafter.

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