- The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday. On it, Adam was created. On it, he was made to enter paradise. On it, he was expelled from it. (Muslim)
- Paradise is closer to you than your shoelace and similar is the case of hell. (Bukhari)
- The best person is he who has a long span of life and his actions as well as conduct are good. (Tirmidhi)
- When Allah wants good for you, He tries you by putting you under some hardship. (Bukhari)
- The strong one is not the one who hits his opponent. It’s the one who can control his temper. (Bukhari and Muslim)
- Multiply your optional prayers as every prostration raises your status by a degree and removes a sin. (Muslim)
- Do not consider even the smallest good deed, such as meeting your brother with a cheerful face, as insignificant. (Muslim)
- When a believer performs his ablutions, this act removes the sins committed by the parts of the body being washed. (Muslim)
- Performing the five daily prayers (ie regularly/punctually) makes up for minor sins provided major sins are not committed between two Fridays and two Ramadhans. (Muslim)
- Had you not sinned, Allah would have created a people who would sin and ask for His forgiveness. And He would have forgiven them. (Muslim)
Reference : Riyadhusaliheen by Imam An Nawawi translated by S M Madni Abbasi
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