Short Hadiths

5 Short Hadiths For A Special Day

  1. When you hear the ‘azan’ (call for prayer), repeat the words of the ‘muezzin’ (caller). (Bukhari and Muslim)
  2. Do not allow your houses to become graves.  Satan runs away from a house in which Surah Al Baqarah is read. (Muslim)
  3. Good news for the person who embraces Islam, has sufficient provisions (for his needs) and is content with that. (Tirmidhi)
  4. Leave things which create doubts in your mind. Adopt that which does not create any doubt in your mind. (Tirmidhi)
  5. One who drinks from a silver vessel is kindling the fire of hell in his stomach. (Bukhari and Muslim)


Reference:  Riyadh-us-Saliheen by Imam An-Nawawi translated by S M Madni Abbasi


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